[OpenDocString] kdeconnect-kde (cpp)
SmsPlugin::SmsPlugin(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args)
    : KdeConnectPlugin(parent, args)
    , m_telepathyInterface(QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ConnectionManager.kdeconnect"), QStringLiteral("/kdeconnect"))
    , m_conversationInterface(new ConversationsDbusInterface(this))
    m_codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(CODEC_NAME);
Constructs a new KdeConnectPlugin object and assigns its internal codec to its internal representation.
    // m_conversationInterface is self-deleting, see ~ConversationsDbusInterface for more information
This implements the self deletion sequence for the sms plugin.
bool SmsPlugin::receivePacket(const NetworkPacket &np)
    if (np.type() == PACKET_TYPE_SMS_MESSAGES) {
        return handleBatchMessages(np);

    if (np.type() == PACKET_TYPE_SMS_ATTACHMENT_FILE && np.hasPayload()) {
        return handleSmsAttachmentFile(np);

    return true;
It receives a NetworkPacket object np and processes it. It returns true if the packet is handled.
void SmsPlugin::sendSms(const QVariantList &addresses, const QString &textMessage, const QVariantList &attachmentUrls, const qint64 subID)
    QVariantList addressMapList;
    for (const QVariant &address : addresses) {
        QVariantMap addressMap({{QStringLiteral("address"), qdbus_cast(address).address()}});

    QVariantMap packetMap({{QStringLiteral("version"), SMS_REQUEST_PACKET_VERSION}, {QStringLiteral("addresses"), addressMapList}});

    // If there is any text message add it to the network packet
    if (textMessage != QStringLiteral("")) {
        packetMap[QStringLiteral("messageBody")] = textMessage;

    if (subID != -1) {
        packetMap[QStringLiteral("subID")] = subID;

    QVariantList attachmentMapList;
    for (const QVariant &attachmentUrl : attachmentUrls) {
        const Attachment attachment = createAttachmentFromUrl(attachmentUrl.toString());
        QVariantMap attachmentMap({{QStringLiteral("fileName"), attachment.uniqueIdentifier()},
                                   {QStringLiteral("base64EncodedFile"), attachment.base64EncodedFile()},
                                   {QStringLiteral("mimeType"), attachment.mimeType()}});

    // If there is any attachment add it to the network packet
    if (!attachmentMapList.isEmpty()) {
        packetMap[QStringLiteral("attachments")] = attachmentMapList;

    NetworkPacket np(PACKET_TYPE_SMS_REQUEST, packetMap);
    qCDebug(KDECONNECT_PLUGIN_SMS) << "Dispatching SMS send request to remote";
This sends an SMS request to the remote host. It takes the addresses text message and attachment urls of the host, and creates a map of address and attachment map to be sent to the network.
void SmsPlugin::requestAllConversations()

This sends a network packet to request all conversations.
void SmsPlugin::requestConversation(const qint64 conversationID, const qint64 rangeStartTimestamp, const qint64 numberToRequest) const
    np.set(QStringLiteral("threadID"), conversationID);
    np.set(QStringLiteral("rangeStartTimestamp"), rangeStartTimestamp);
    np.set(QStringLiteral("numberToRequest"), numberToRequest);

This sends a network packet to request a number of sms from a thread.
void SmsPlugin::requestAttachment(const qint64 &partID, const QString &uniqueIdentifier)
    const QVariantMap packetMap({{QStringLiteral("part_id"), partID}, {QStringLiteral("unique_identifier"), uniqueIdentifier}});

    NetworkPacket np(PACKET_TYPE_SMS_REQUEST_ATTACHMENT, packetMap);

This requests an attachment from the server by sending a network packet.
void SmsPlugin::forwardToTelepathy(const ConversationMessage &message)
    // If we don't have a valid Telepathy interface, bail out
    if (!(m_telepathyInterface.isValid()))

    qCDebug(KDECONNECT_PLUGIN_SMS) << "Passing a text message to the telepathy interface";
    connect(&m_telepathyInterface, SIGNAL(messageReceived(QString, QString)), SLOT(sendSms(QString, QString)), Qt::UniqueConnection);
    const QString messageBody = message.body();
    const QString contactName; // TODO: When telepathy support is improved, look up the contact with KPeople
    const QString phoneNumber = message.addresses()[0].address();
    m_telepathyInterface.call(QDBus::NoBlock, QStringLiteral("sendMessage"), phoneNumber, contactName, messageBody);
This sends a text message to the telepathy interface. It takes the message and connects it to the signal signal, and slot the message for sending.
bool SmsPlugin::handleBatchMessages(const NetworkPacket &np)
    const auto messages = np.get(QStringLiteral("messages"));
    QList messagesList;

    for (const QVariant &body : messages) {
        ConversationMessage message(body.toMap());
        if (message.containsTextBody()) {


    return true;
This retrieves a list of messages from a network package and converts them to ConversationMessages. It forwards each message to the Telepathy plugin if it contains text.
bool SmsPlugin::handleSmsAttachmentFile(const NetworkPacket &np)
    const QString fileName = np.get(QStringLiteral("filename"));

    QString cacheDir = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::CacheLocation);
    cacheDir.append(QStringLiteral("/") + device()->name() + QStringLiteral("/"));
    QDir attachmentsCacheDir(cacheDir);

    if (!attachmentsCacheDir.exists()) {
        qDebug() << attachmentsCacheDir.absolutePath() << " directory doesn't exist.";
        return false;

    QUrl fileUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(attachmentsCacheDir.absolutePath());
    fileUrl = fileUrl.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash);
    fileUrl.setPath(fileUrl.path() + QStringLiteral("/") + fileName, QUrl::DecodedMode);

    FileTransferJob *job = np.createPayloadTransferJob(fileUrl);
    connect(job, &FileTransferJob::result, this, [this, fileName](KJob *job) -> void {
        FileTransferJob *ftjob = qobject_cast(job);
        if (ftjob && !job->error()) {
            // Notify SMS app about the newly downloaded attachment
            m_conversationInterface->attachmentDownloaded(ftjob->destination().path(), fileName);
        } else {
            qCDebug(KDECONNECT_PLUGIN_SMS) << ftjob->errorString() << (ftjob ? ftjob->destination() : QUrl());

    return true;
This creates a FileTransferJob object and connects it to the file download method by creating a FileTransferJob object and starting it. It returns true on the first successful attempt. It returns false if the directory doesn't exist.
void SmsPlugin::getAttachment(const qint64 &partID, const QString &uniqueIdentifier)
    QString cacheDir = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::CacheLocation);
    cacheDir.append(QStringLiteral("/") + device()->name() + QStringLiteral("/"));
    QDir fileDirectory(cacheDir);

    bool fileFound = false;
    if (fileDirectory.exists()) {
        // Search for the attachment file locally before sending request to remote device
        fileFound = fileDirectory.exists(uniqueIdentifier);
    } else {
        bool ret = fileDirectory.mkpath(QStringLiteral("."));
        if (!ret) {
            qWarning() << "couldn't create directorty " << fileDirectory.absolutePath();

    if (!fileFound) {
        // If the file is not present in the local dir request the remote device for the file
        requestAttachment(partID, uniqueIdentifier);
    } else {
        const QString fileDestination = fileDirectory.absoluteFilePath(uniqueIdentifier);
        m_conversationInterface->attachmentDownloaded(fileDestination, uniqueIdentifier);
This requests that the attachment be downloaded to the remote device by searching for the attachment file in the cache directory, and if it doesn't exist, it creates it. If the file is not present, it requests the remote device for the attachment by calling the requestAttachment method.
Attachment SmsPlugin::createAttachmentFromUrl(const QString &url)
    QFile file(url);

    if (!file.exists()) {
        return Attachment();

    QFileInfo fileInfo(file);
    QString fileName(fileInfo.fileName());

    QByteArray byteArray = file.readAll().toBase64();

    QString base64EncodedFile = m_codec->toUnicode(byteArray);

    QMimeDatabase mimeDatabase;
    QString mimeType = mimeDatabase.mimeTypeForFile(url).name();

    Attachment attachment(-1, mimeType, base64EncodedFile, fileName);
    return attachment;
This creates an attachment from a given url. It takes the url of the file and returns it. If the file doesn't exist, it creates it. It also gets the mime type from the database.
QString SmsPlugin::dbusPath() const
    return QStringLiteral("/modules/kdeconnect/devices/") + device()->id() + QStringLiteral("/sms");
Returns the dbus path as a QString.
void SmsPlugin::launchApp()
    QProcess::startDetached(QLatin1String("kdeconnect-sms"), {QStringLiteral("--device"), device()->id()});
Launches the app in the background.